Selected top nonfiction 
The Modern Library recently came out with a list of the top 100 nonfiction books of the century. Here are comments on the books that I've enjoyed. You can also read the complete list.
5. Silent Spring: Rachel Carson. One of the books that started the environmental movement and led to the ban on DDT, but probably of more historical interest now.
9. American Language: H. L. Mencken. I'm in the process of reading this one. It's an exhaustive look at how American English differs from British English.
11. The Lives of a Cell: Lewis Thomas. An amazing collection of essays on biology, cells, and life.
16. The Guns of August: Barbara Tuchman. A fascinating book on the start of World War I, and an illustration of how fixed ideas can lead to disaster.
21. Elements of Style: William Strunk and E. B. White. The guide to writing.
37. The Making of the Atomic Bomb: Richard Rhodes. While this book gets off to a slow start describing the lives of many physicists, it's a surprising look at how academic research and the needs of World War II came together in the atomic bomb.
61. Cadillac Desert: Marc Reisner. If you live in California, you need to read this book, as it explains how the need for water shaped the history and politics of the West, especially Los Angeles. A surprising tale of corruption.
69. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: Thomas S. Kuhn. If you're a scientist, read this book - not just because it's constantly cited, but because also because it makes scientific history much clearer.
84. A Bright Shining Lie: Neil Sheehan. A controversial but fascinating look at the Vietnam war.
88. Six Easy Pieces: Richard P. Feynman. Feynman, probably the most famous physicist after Einstein, has a remarkable gift for writing.
92. The Power Broker: Robert A. Caro. How did New York City end up the way it did? How can one man attain vast power? This book about Robert Moses answers both questions.
96. In Cold Blood: Truman Capote. The first real "true-crime" book; Capote knows how to write a gripping and chilling story.
Reviews: Fiction - Nonfiction - Reference - Cryptography - Fractals - Urban Planning - Wallstreet - Economics of Wealth

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